Here’s how to get your dream job in 2021

3 min readJan 14, 2021

The window job is now open and if there’s any good time to give your best shot to seeking jobs, it’s now. Here’s the truth about seeking jobs that you should be aware of in the first place;

  1. Companies seek new employees between january to march:
Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash

Every company has plans to change employees or bring in new ones between january and march to change the system of operation in the second quarter. By this, they’d be hiring new employees who align with the goal they want to get achieved.

Having this knowledge is not just a treasure to you but a call to action to do these few things.

  1. Be specific on the role you want to play in the job:
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

The first step to getting no job is to want any type of job. With such a plan as this, it gives you room for distraction and you will run from pillar to post trying to fit into every setting.

While being open for any role sounds like good advice, it shows that you really do not know the skill you possess and the industry you belong to. So, you’d have to work on this at first by being specific with the type of job you want.

You can do this by reading up on the role you think you fit in, the skills required and how you can level up.

2. Revamp your CV/Resume:

Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

The great thing about having certainty in the job you want or the skillset you have is that you wouldn’t have issues building a CV or Resume. The best in this case is to build a professional one and that would mean paying a professional.

You might be pretty good but might lose the chance of getting the job because your CV is shitty. Remember, your recruiter has no idea of your experience and your vastness in such skill or position.

So, your one way ticket to proving yourself is to ensure your Resume stands for you. Go build one.

3. Stay close to job platforms:

Photo by on Unsplash

Here’s a secret; you don’t have to use popular job platforms to get your dream job. A lot of companies put out job offers on their platforms and you can only be aware if you’re also searching for companies to work with.

The trick here is that you can override the system by not just applying for the job but requesting to meet with the recruiter or the CEO (sometimes works and sometimes doesn’t). This means you know for sure the role you want to play and the impact it would bring to the company.

Sending a cold email is a very great yet unknown strategy. The trick to sending cold emails is by trying to get the email address of the recruiter via social media, LinkedIn preferably if such a person has a profile there and using the cold emailing technique to request for an appointment.

4. Apply to many:

People are caught up with the feeling that once they apply to a firm, they have done the need for the month. Honest truth is that it might not work out with the company you applied for so you can increase your chance of securing a job by applying for in multiple organizations.

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